PAR Summary Report

Posted Office Employee Name Financial Year ACR Status
Department of Higher Education Mr. MURARI LAL SHARMA (Accounts Officer, Department of Higher Education) 2023-2024 Not Initiated
Mr. CHIRANJILAL SHARMA (Accounts Officer, Department of Higher Education) 2023-2024 Not Initiated
Mr. RADHE SHYAM (Assistant Accounts Officer, Department of Higher Education) 2023-2024 Not Initiated
Mr. HARISH KUMAWAT (Assistant Accounts Officer Grade-I, Department of Higher Education) 2023-2024 Not Initiated
Mr. PRAHLAD RAM MEENA (Accounts Officer, Department of Higher Education) 2023-2024 Not Initiated
Mr. BHEEM RAJ SONI (Assistant Accounts Officer Grade-II, Department of Higher Education) 2023-2024 Not Initiated