Project Description

RajKaj is an Unified Enterprise Platform to provide an electronic and collaborative workplace to all organizations of Government of Rajasthan.

Approach and Objective

Objective of RajKaj is to act as-
1. One stop place for all employees for all common functions and roles.
2. Platform enabling shifting of government processes and transactions from 'traditional offline manual paper' to 'modern online automated' system.
3. Platform of Online translation of 30+ office procedures and employee specific services.


1. Improved efficiency, effectiveness and transparency between Employees/Government processes.
2. Rajasthan is the first state where eFile has been implemented up to Panchayat Samiti / Tehsil. Till date, more than 17 lakh physical files have been made online on Raj Kaj. The implementation of e-File systems in Rajasthan aims to digitize and streamline administrative processes, improve efficiency, and enhance transparency in governance.
3. Rajasthan government's initiative to mandate APR submission through RajKaj reflects its commitment to modernizing administrative processes and promoting a performance-driven work culture among its employees.
4. Several popular modules implemented in online systems includes : IPR (Immovable Property Return), File Tracking, Dak Management, APAR (Annual Performance Appraisal Report) , NOC (No Objection Certificate). All these process/modules aim to enhance efficiency, transparency, and accessibility in various administrative processes.


1. All Employees of the State Government.
2. Administrative Supervision: Deptt of Personnel.
3. Implementation Agency: RajComp Info Services Ltd. (RISL)

Technology & Infra

MSSQL 2016, JBoss Server, Java with DigiGov ZK Framework (TCS)


1. Onboarding additional Departments including Collectorates functioning.
2. Government Process Reforms for Paper to 'less paper' and finally to 'paper-less' ecosystem.
3. To act as a KPI for e-Governance Implementation.
4. Upgradation to New Technology.