PAR Summary Report

Posted Office Employee Name Financial Year ACR Status
Department of Panchayati Raj Mr. KALU RAM JAT (IV Class, Department of Panchayati Raj) 2023-2024 Not Initiated
Mr. RAHUL SHARMA (Clerk Grade II, Department of Panchayati Raj) 2023-2024 Not Initiated
Mr. TARA CHAND (Village Development Officer, Department of Panchayati Raj) 2023-2024 Not Initiated
Mr. BALVEER SINGH THAPA (IV Class, Department of Panchayati Raj) 2023-2024 Not Initiated
Mr. NEEM SINGH (Gram Sevak, Department of Panchayati Raj) 2023-2024 Not Initiated
Mr. BABU LAL VERMA (IV Class, Department of Panchayati Raj) 2023-2024 Not Initiated
Mr. MOHAN LAL BHOI (Village development officer, Department of Panchayati Raj) 2023-2024 Not Initiated