PAR Summary Report

Posted Office Employee Name Financial Year ACR Status
District Probation and Social Welfare Officer, Sanchore Mr. MODU RAM (Hostel Superintendent, District Probation and Social Welfare Officer, Sanchore) 2023-2024 Not Initiated
Mr. DINESH KUMAR (Hostel Superintendent, District Probation and Social Welfare Officer, Sanchore) 2023-2024 Not Initiated
Mr. JOGENDRA SINGH (Hostel Superintendent, District Probation and Social Welfare Officer, Sanchore) 2023-2024 Not Initiated
Mr. ASHISH KUMAR (Hostel Superintendent, District Probation and Social Welfare Officer, Sanchore) 2023-2024 Not Initiated
Mr. JAGDISH KUMAR (Hostel Superintendent, District Probation and Social Welfare Officer, Sanchore) 2023-2024 Not Initiated
Mr. DINESH KUMAR (Junior Assistant, District Probation and Social Welfare Officer, Sanchore) 2023-2024 Not Initiated
Mr. BHAGWANA RAM CHOUDHARY (District Probation and Social Welfare Officer, District Probation and Social Welfare Officer, Sanchore) 2023-2024 Not Initiated