PAR Summary Report

Posted Office Employee Name Financial Year ACR Status
Department of Agriculture Mr. Rajan Vishal (Secretary To Government, Department of Agriculture) 2023-2024 Not Initiated
Mr. Navratan Koli (Deputy Secretary To Government, Department of Agriculture) 2023-2024 Not Initiated
Mr. NARENDRA KUMAR SOGANI (Senior Deputy Secretary, Department of Agriculture) 2023-2024 Not Initiated
Mr. MANOJ KUMAR MEENA (Stenographer, Department of Agriculture) 2023-2024 Not Initiated
Mr. JAGAN LAL (IV Class, Department of Agriculture) 2023-2024 Not Initiated
Mr. DURGA PRASAD SHARMA (Clerk Grade I, Department of Agriculture) 2023-2024 Not Initiated
Mrs MAUHAR BAI SAINI (IV Class, Department of Agriculture) 2023-2024 Not Initiated
Mr. RAM NARAYAN (IV Class, Department of Agriculture) 2023-2024 Not Initiated
Mr. VIMAL KUMAR (Stenographer, Department of Agriculture) 2023-2024 Not Initiated